Dr. Broadman is a Partner, Managing Director and Chair of the Emerging Markets and CFIUS Practices at the Berkeley Research Group LLC (BRG) and on the faculty at Johns Hopkins University.

His BRG practices focus on (i) global business operations advisory and (ii) litigation expert witness services—testimony, depositions, analytical reports, data analysis and policy assessments—in the following areas:

  • international trade and investment transaction disputes and investor-state arbitration

  • domestic and international antitrust and competition policy

  • national security regulation of foreign investment (CFIUS) and export controls

  • sovereign multilateral and regional trade agreements (WTO, NAFTA) and sovereign bilateral investment treaties (BITs)

  • import tariffs/duties and damages valuation

  • corporate governance, shareholder rights, CSR initiatives and ESG ratings

  • corruption remedies and compliance (FCPA/UK Anti-Bribery Act)

  • economic regulation of infrastructure services

In the subsequent tabs are:

(i) Dr. Broadman’s Business Operations and Expert Witness CV and

(ii) Brochures of BRG’s Emerging Markets Practice and BRG’s CFIUS Strategy Services Practice.

For his Dr. Broadman’s full Academic CV with detailed publications, see subsequent tab "Academic CV”